Tuesday, March 10, 2009

alices house

hello ,
im at alices house occupying her computer so she doesnt get destracted LOL terri is studying and alice is sorting notes.

so yeah LOL
i went to hurstville and got boost with terri today was yummy.
then i walked to centrelink while the rest was in the library. not fun.

but yeah gots celia's jmc thing tommorows wonder if there will be any good looking guys for me ....*crosses fingers*

listening to 4 play havent listened to it for a while...

hmmm.. i need a job... mabye i should go for boost juice and eat juice all day, imagine how healthy i would be LOL

omg i feel like timtams.
terri is rolling on the floor LOL she is trying to seduce me .. shes taking off her clothes omg her sexi short shorts
LOL @terri

ILY peeps


celia smells like cheese LOL at celia

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