Thursday, January 21, 2010

lol woohooo me is blogging, lol i bet youre proud
well im going to blog about my day off from work.

lol iwoke up and went to harvey norman with my sister and mum,
then my mum was being annoying so me and my sister ditched her and got ome lunch at jamaica blue.
then i headed out to the city with alice and fiona. we went shopping and i bought a black shirt for work and some baiged creamy colour shirt thing.
Then we met up with dennis and went for sushui train mmmm.... sushi train.

so then we went to norita LOL i learnt how to play ma jong . how ever you spell it LOL
Then ryan came from work, so we bought tickets for NINE, and then went passion flower. lol was yummy.

NINE wasnt that good was quite boring. oh well. lol so we went karaoke, lol was so much fun coz and went spastic.

lol and now im in my room with my lame sister.


  1. For every "LOL" in this entry there was also one spelling/grammar error.

    And I'm not even counting your lack of capitol letters.
