Wednesday, March 4, 2009


well today i feel better.....
still sick but not as bad lol atleast not as bad as ryan LOL at ryan

today i went to bondi junction with helen to go shopping.
when i went to catch the train to central at narwee, there was this hot hot hot guy, im wtf why have i not seen you around before LOL.
but yes i met helen at central she was a bit late lol typical helen.
we arrived at bondi junction we went to westfield was huge lol we went to go try on clothes in myer saw this pretty dress its like 200 bucks i was like stuff you. .. but i still want it LOL
so me and helen went to target and bought undies LOL and i bought earing from diva so i finally used the last 3 dollars on my giflt card.

then i got boost and we got food at KFC even though helen works at KFC lol.
we went to coles and she bought a huge bag of lollies for 50cents LOL im like wtf so cheap.
i bought vitamin water lol
then we went to the bank so i could put money in my key card lol first time evar LOL
i taught helen how to use predictive text LOL
then we left and met up with terri and ravik,
then helen left and ravik left and we mett alice on the train lol
so yeah
thats my day

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