Friday, March 20, 2009


today i had a interview with insight call centre so i had to go city...

i met up with terri alice and celia at narwee and then i went to my interview. apparently during my interview alice celia and ryan were peeping throught the foggy windows LOL after we went for food at daruma, LOL i dont know how to spell it.....
but yeah after mutiple tries of taking fotos celia finally took a foto of us at the restruant.

then we mett up with terri and her possy after class. so after that we went to get my key card from my sister. i had to get it before 3oclock coz she has meetings after wards, on the way there we saw daniel passing by, lol
when we got at my sisters work too her ages to come down like so lazy. so we were thinking of what reasons as to why she was taking forever.

after wards we went to the apple store, and played with the technology.
then we went macdonalds sat there for a while saw daniel again.
then we met up with wilson LOL OMG WILSON WAS THE HIGH LIGHT OF MY DAY LOL
he looked so lame gangsta today LOL he had some lame hat and working boots hahahaha

after we decided togo home coz we were falling asleep.

any way TTYL


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