Thursday, March 12, 2009

jmc bar

hello, thought i would blog bout yesterday...

well yes lol
i went to the prince centre to meet up with terri and ryan.
terri wasnt finished yet so me and ryan went hunting for terris class room, lol when we found it he made this huge thudd on the window and we ran lol apparently the security guard went past LOL..
then when terri finished we found celia and had macdonalds.
after that we went togloria jeans and terri and ryan went for a maths tutorial.
so me and celia hung out at random shops and sat at market city. then alice came and told us she got hit on by a guy she doesnt remeber if he is hot LOL.

then we made our way to jmc's bar think its called the galic bar,,, something like that..

anyway the place was good , but would have been more fun if ppl would dance LOL

celia hooked up with her future lover and exchanged numbers. ooooooo....

any hoo i am is unemployed and single.... what an exciting life i live....

bleh lol

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